Hopefully you’ve all had a good solid base of training for a month now in the phase we call Base 1. Now we’re about to start Base 2 and the training gets a bit more serious. Base 1 was about preparing our bodies to train and laying the groundwork. Now is the time to take it up a notch.
Base 2 and 3 are important in laying the foundations of out fitness pyramid. As with all foundation work it is important to do this thoroughly, methodically and not cut corners. The better we make our base the higher our level of performance will be in the crucial summer months.
For those that train with heart rate the desired training zone is around 80-90% of Lactate Threshold (LTHR). Typically LTHR is around 80-85% of our max.
For example my max is 171 and my LTHR was 145 when I last had it measured. Therefore my training zone for Base 2 is 80-90% of 145 so I will be aiming to ride the long rides in the range of 115-129 BPM. Please be aware that these are guides and all our physiologies are different and that we have to pitch the rides at a pace that suits the majority of club riders and not everybody’s specific needs.
The main focus this month will be improving aerobic performance. If you’ve done your base training well you’ll notice that the long rides at the end of this month will seem less demanding as your body has adapted to those challenges.
The plan for week 1 of Base 2 is the “Minstead Monster”. The published route is as follows:
Ashurst, Bartley, Minstead, Emery Down, Bolderwood, Linwood, Moyles Court, Frogham, Godshill, Nomansland, Winsor, Woodlands, Ashurst
From memory last year parts of the route through Minstead is a bit muddy so if you’ve got mudguards please use them.
The schedule for this week is 45 miles, I measured that route as around 35 miles so plan to put in an extras loop around Fordingbridge, Aldersholt and Harbridge that will add another 10 miles.
However, the forecast this week is for cold nights so if it’s frozen on Saturday we may delay the start and / or use the route that Nick T devised last month that was largely frost and ice free. Please check email and the blog Friday night and before leaving Saturday morning.
I advise you to check the blog as mail delivery through the e-group can sometimes get delayed through yahoo or your ISP.
Whichever ride we are doing the departure point will be Ashurst Station car park.
There will be a small increase in pace over Base 1. Hopefully with your improving fitness this will be imperceptible and you’ll take it in your stride.
Look forward to seeing the great turnouts continue.
4th Feb ride cancelled due to bad weather - Barry