Monday 24 June 2024

Club Ride – 29th June 2024


Choice of rides this Saturday. An on-road ride around the Isle of Wight and an off-road social option that Jay has planned. The on-road ride is a fairly standard loop of the island with an additional trip up the The Needles.

Plan is as follows:

0900 Ferry from Lymington. Arrive Yarmouth 0940. Suggest book in advance in case the crossing gets booked up.

Couple of hours riding and a lunch stop in Bembridge.

Couple more hours back across the south of the island and optional Ice Cream stop at The Needles.

Back to Lymington and maybe another drink depending on where we are with ferry times.

Aiming for the 1605-1645 Ferry back. (Or maybe the 1505 if we’re ahead of plan).

Route can be copied here:


Thursday 20 June 2024

Sunday Club Ride 23rd June

Meet as usual in Brookley rd car park at 8.50 a.m for a 9.00A.M start.
Finish at Setley ridge cafe for some diet-ruining vittles of your choosing.
Staggered to see that the weather forecast is very pleasant looking and in no way horrid or unpleasant.
I am back this week but don't let that put you off. Hope to welcome another stellar turnout of stars.

Phil H

Club Ride – 22nd June 2024


Meet at 0850 for an 0900 depart from the main car park in Brookley Road, Brockenhurst. Ride to the north this week to the Chalke Valley.

Planned route is 115Km and can be found here.

Coffee stop planned at 55Km at the community café in Broad Chalke.

Weather forecast looks fair so opportunity for second coffee in Brock and plan an extra loop.



Thursday 13 June 2024

Sunday Club Ride 16th June

Meet as usual in Brookley rd car park, Brockenhurst at 8.50 for a 9.00 A.M start.

Finish at Daisy Tea rooms, Setley Ridge for Cakey Coffee.
Very annoyingly, for me anyway, I am away again this Sunday.
Forecast isn't too bad so I hope to hear of another good turnout.
Phil H

Club Ride – 15th June 2024


Meet at 0850 for an 0900 depart from the main car park in Brookley Road, Brockenhurst as usual. Forecast for Saturday at time of posting is not good, lots of showers and some reasonably strong winds. In the light of that the plan for this week is a shorter ride than usual and local loops so we can change / cut short if necessary. Or hopefully add some if it turns out better than forecast.

Planned route is 102Km and can be found here:

Planned coffee stop at Steff’s in Beaulieu at 52Km where we might be grateful for shelter under the umbrellas.

Thursday 6 June 2024

Sunday Club Ride, 9th June 2024.

Meet as usual in Brookley rd car park at 8.50 for a 9.00 a.m start.
Route downloadable here:
Finish at Setley ridge cafe for comestables.
I plan to be stuck in a traffic jam on the M6 on Sunday morning so won't be able to make the starting grid.
Forecast is good so hope to hear of another great turnout.
Phil H

Club Ride – 8th June 2024


Meet at 0850 for an 0900 depart from the main car park in Brookley Road, Brockenhurst as usual.

With the nation commemorating the D-Day anniversary in many ways this week the club ride will pay its own respects by passing by the four main airfields that were used in the New Forest. This week’s club ride is a 116Km ride within the forest. Route can be downloaded from here:

Coffee stop planned at the Minstead Community Shop at around 64Km. Please note that after our last visit anyone wanting to borrow their cushion will have to fight Smithy for it!

Route will take us west to the Holmsley South airfield and a photo opportunity of the memorial. Before passing the site of the Ibsley airfield we will be using slightly busier roads than usual around Bransgore as I saw a load of roadworks in the Bockhampton area this week. When we get to Poulner take extra care on the road through to the Alice Lisle as the road surface through there is atrocious.

After Ibsley we will pass along the site of the Stoney Cross airfield before heading for coffee. Our last airfield will be Beaulieu before heading back to Brock.