Thursday 29 August 2024

Sunday Club Ride 1st September 2024

Meet as usual in Brookley rd car park at 8.50 a.m for a 9.00 a.m start.
Finish at the usual watering hole on Setley ridge.
Forecast is o.k and I'm hoping to attend after my latest punch-up with Mr Covid, hope to see another great turnout.
Phil H

Club Ride – 31st August 2024


Meet at 0850 for an 0900 depart from the main car park in Brookley Road, Brockenhurst.

Slightly shorter route than usual this week and made out of two loops for anyone wanting a shorter ride. Planned distance 104Km with a coffee stop at Steff’s in Beaulieu at 49Km. I suspect a number of riders will be doing the Isle of Wight / New Forest Audax on Sunday so probably don’t want a long hard ride on the day before.

Route can be downloaded from here:




Thursday 22 August 2024

Sunday Club Ride 25th August

Meet as usual in Brookley rd car park at 8.50 for a 9.00 a.m start.
Finish at Setley rd for vittles.
Looks like we have the best of the weekend weather so hope to see or hear of another great turnout.
Currently down with the plague but if it clears up I'll see you there.
Phil H

Club Ride – 24th August 2024


Meet at 0850 for an 0900 depart from the main car park in Brookley Road, Brockenhurst. Two days out the weather forecast if a bit grim so this week it’s a bit shorter and the route made up of a few local loops so we have a bit of flexibility if we need it.

Planned route is 104Km and can be downloaded from here:



Coffee stop planned for Steff’s in Beaulieu where we might be grateful for the umbrellas!

If anyone was wondering whether they should order a club Gabba jersey this is the day they wished they had contacted Joe and got on the list!


Thursday 15 August 2024

Sunday Club Ride 18th August 2024

Meet as usual in Brookley rd car park, Brockenhurst at 8.50 for a 9.00A.M start.
Route downloadable here: Forecast is good.
Usual cafe finish.
Hope to see you there. Phil H

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Club Ride – 17th August 2024


Meet at 0850 for an 0900 depart from the main car park in Brookley Road, Brockenhurst. This week a 127Km ride to the north. 

Coffee stop planned at 65Km at the Community Shop in Broughton.

Route can be downloaded from here:





Thursday 8 August 2024

Sunday Club Ride 11th August 2024

Meet as usual in Brookley rd car park, Brockenhurst at 8.50 for a 9.00A.M start.
Forecast is good and I have organised the rare easterly tailwind finish as a treat.
Usual cafe destination. Hope to see you there.
Phil H

Club Ride – 10th August 2024


Meet at 0850 for an 0900 depart from the main car park in Brookley Road, Brockenhurst. This week a 125Km ride around the forest. 

Coffee stop planned at 75Km at the Community Shop in Minstead.

Route can be downloaded from here:



Thursday 1 August 2024

Sunday Club Ride 4th August 2024

Meet as usual in Brookley rd car park, Brockenhurst at 8.50 for a 9.00a.m start.
First a little housekeeping.
Occasionally it's good to have a little reset so I just want to mention a few of the base lines for the Sunday club rides which are applicable to both faster and slower groups alike.
Firstly the obvious. We always follow the highway code, Most of us ride in club kit and we need to be ambassadors both for the club and for cyclists and cycling in general.
Where the roads allow, we ride two abreast, in two straight and tidy lines. When it's safer to do so or if a car needs to pass and it's safe to allow them to do so we go into single file. A call of car back is useful so that the rider at the front can judge what action to take.
It's always a strictly no-drop ride. That goes equally for both groups. If you are near the back and see someone dropping off, let those in front know so that they can ease the pace or stop. No problem sprinting up a hill so long as you wait at the top or next junction to regroup.
If the faster group is pushing the pace, do so as a team whether using through and off or by using stronger riders at the front. Work together and keep communicating. Someone is always going to be the one struggling on a fast ride. It might not be you this week but it might be you the next week.
If anyone is struggling on a particular week, don't be afraid to say so. We can reduce the pace or even take a short cut if required and possible. The Sunday rides were created to be inclusive. I would like it to remain both a safe, enjoyable group to ride in and one with a sound ethical and empathetic culture.
Here endeth....
Forecast for Sunday looks pretty good.
Finish as usual in Daisy tea rooms, Settley Ridge for excessive vittles.
Hope to see an epic turnout as usual.
Phil H

Club Ride – 3rd August 2024


Meet at 0850 for an 0900 depart from the main car park in Brookley Road, Brockenhurst. Bit of an iffy forecast shower wise this Saturday but at least it looks like warm rain. Planned route is a 119Km route to the north with a visit to the Chalke Valley. Route can be found here:


Coffee stop planned at 55Km at the Broad Valley Community Shop.
