Wednesday 4 September 2024

Club Ride – 7th September 2024


Change of plan to the usual. Anyone that turns up at 0850 will instantly be in the barrel this week!

Meet at 0820 for an 0830 depart from the main car park in Brookley Road, Brockenhurst. This week a longer than usual ride and we’re indebted to Graham for the route. This course was used earlier in the year when a large cohort were away in Italy and was popular with those that rode it.

The full route is 165Km but for those wanting a regular ride there will be a second depart from Moyles Court at 0920.

Route can be downloaded from here:


Coffee stop planned for The View Coffee Shop Milton Abbas at around 80Km (from the Brockenhurst start) so please ensure you have enough supplies to keep you going for the first 3 hours or so.

Pace will be kept at a level to suit the group(s).

Long range forecast for Saturday is fine, check the usual sites on Friday for any last minute changes of plan if the forecast changes dramatically.


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